Living abroad together

Created by bartlemama 11 years ago
I met Pat for the first time in Honolulu, September 1973.I was pregnant and Marieke was about 2. Frank was new at Parsons and we were staying in this beautiful hotel in Waikiki. Pat came by to help me find a house. That was the beginning of a lifelong friendship.Jantien was born in December. We all loved the easy living and had dreams of setting up a hippy community right there and then on the beach. Next we were sent to New Orleans and Pat and Dan moved to Baton Rouge. A few years later we all ended up in Ahvaz, Iran. What an adventure that was. Pat's career as a teacher began at Passargad School. At first a little hesitant she soon was full of confidence. The kids took to her right away and loved her.She liked her job and became very good at it. Of course we remember the trips we made, the parties, the bridge lessons, the swimming at the tiny pool at "Parsons Club" etc etc. When the summers became unbearably hot in Iran Pat and I and Rosalee would take the kids and travel to Spain, Playas Andaluzas, near Marbella. The men ( Frank, Ross and Dan) would join us later for their R&R. What a good life! One year Dan came with his leg in a cast...and after a couple of drinks Frank would carry him up the stairs on his back. Last year, when we were there all these memories came back to us. We did not know then that Pat was so sick already.... After Iran we settled back home in the Netherlands and we visited each other a couple of times in. The last time we saw each other was at Missy's wedding.Pat was beaming and Dan gave his daughter away most graciously.... We shared many happy times together.I don't think Pat knew how much our English has improved through being around her,she was so well educated and eloquent.And she taught us to make the best GT's in the world. Forever in our hearts...